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C’est décidé, je profite des soldes pour consommer du made in France !

C’est décidé, je profite des soldes pour consom...

    Plus qu’un phénomène de mode, acheter des produits « Made in France » (fabriqués en France) est devenu pour beaucoup, une habitude de consommation. Cette habitude s’accompagne d’une exigence quant...

C’est décidé, je profite des soldes pour consom...

    Plus qu’un phénomène de mode, acheter des produits « Made in France » (fabriqués en France) est devenu pour beaucoup, une habitude de consommation. Cette habitude s’accompagne d’une exigence quant...

Idée reçue: on ne porte pas de chaussettes en été !

Received idea: we don't wear socks in summer!

Today, we wanted to talk to you about a common misconception that says: “you don't wear socks in summer”. Well, make no mistake, the sock is indeed a summer accessory....

Received idea: we don't wear socks in summer!

Today, we wanted to talk to you about a common misconception that says: “you don't wear socks in summer”. Well, make no mistake, the sock is indeed a summer accessory....

Eirene révèle l'humeur des hommes

Eirene reveals men's moods

Find their article on Eirene on page 146 of the January 2021 edition of Intima France magazine by clicking here: Intima France article on Eirene

Eirene reveals men's moods

Find their article on Eirene on page 146 of the January 2021 edition of Intima France magazine by clicking here: Intima France article on Eirene

Le Made in France a le vent en poupe.

Made in France is on the rise.

Consumers are demanding quality products and are increasingly turning to local products and currently Made in France contributes to more than 38,000 jobs and generates a turnover of 7.2 billion...

Made in France is on the rise.

Consumers are demanding quality products and are increasingly turning to local products and currently Made in France contributes to more than 38,000 jobs and generates a turnover of 7.2 billion...

Mes chaussettes, Mon style.

My socks, My style.

The sock no longer wants to go unnoticed. Today, we want to show off our most beautiful pair. Bye bye the classic white sock and make way for color. So,...

My socks, My style.

The sock no longer wants to go unnoticed. Today, we want to show off our most beautiful pair. Bye bye the classic white sock and make way for color. So,...

La chaussette : l'accessoire tendance de votre garde-robe !

Socks: the trendy accessory for your wardrobe!

Year after year, socks have become essential in the wardrobe, they find their place for women, children and even men. It is usually worn discreetly, blending in perfectly with a...

Socks: the trendy accessory for your wardrobe!

Year after year, socks have become essential in the wardrobe, they find their place for women, children and even men. It is usually worn discreetly, blending in perfectly with a...